Thursday, March 3, 2016

**Live from the Rumpublicans' Self-Made Gehenna: Nate Silver**: [On Twitter]( >**@NateSilver538:** If a year ago you'd drawn up 1000 scenarios and ranked them from best to worst possible outcome for the GOP, this would be like No. 997. >**@ObsoleteDogma:** @NateSilver538 What are the three that could possibly be worse than this? >**@NateSilver538:** @ObsoleteDogma: No. 998 involves a Watergate-style scandal, No. 999 involves space aliens, and I don't even want to think about No. 1000. >**@sungod499:** @NateSilver538 @ObsoleteDogma nominate the AntiChrist.


Wednesday, May 6, 2015

At a Loss for Words

I’m not sure where Amy Schumer can go from here. “12 Angry Men Inside Amy Schumer” is pure brilliance.

via Lawyers, Guns & Money